Monday, April 15, 2013

The Good, The Bad, and The Globby

So the weird just keeps on coming.  Remember how I told you that Sam would be having his mid-treatment CT scan?  Yeah, he had it.  Good news, no visible cancer.  Bad news, gigantic blood clot in his heart.  Like, size of a cherry gigantic.  Additional bad news, he is now responsible for giving himself an injection twice a day for the next 6 months.  So far, Mom has been the only one who can tolerate administering the shots.  I'm hoping to get my turn.  But that's not the weird part.  The weird part starts here.  Dad moved up his mid-treatment CT scan.  He had it last Friday instead of tomorrow when it was originally supposed to happen.  The results are in.  Good news, cancer has reduced by 1/2, which sounds less exciting than Sam's results on the surface, but remember, Sam was on his third treatment by the time Dad started his 1st.  Bad news, not one, but TWO blood clots (he's kind of an over-achiever) were found on his scan.  One in his lung and one up by his port.  Additional bad news, he has to give himself injections twice a day for........wait for it............the next six months.  Mom is out shopping for her nurse get up as we speak.  That last sentence sounds mildly inappropriate, but I think I'll leave it.  I rather enjoy making people squirm just a bit.

Let's further examine this blood clot thing.  See that white arrow pointing to the dark glob inside the white glob?  That's what they have going on.  You don't want to have dark globs inside white globs.  It usually means there will be lots of needles in your future, as we have discovered.  But if you do happen to discover dark globs on your CT scan, you'll want to be sure you have a family member who also plans to have dark globs.  It's like getting cancer together, only funner.

Really, the good news outweighs the bad on this one.  As long as these blood thinning injections do their job, the blood clots probably wont become a huge issue.  That's the hope at least.  Cancer is getting it's butt kicked, and that's the most important thing.  Dad goes in for treatment #4 on Thursday.  Here's to taking out the enemy.  


1 comment:

  1. good grief. I suppose we'll take blood clots over more cancer, but really- it could all just go away and that would be great too!
