Friday, March 8, 2013

Normal Is So Overrated

I've noticed something weird lately.  I've noticed that  all the stuff that comes with chemo (bald heads, tubes sticking out of chests, counter tops covered in medications, etc. - believe me, the list goes on and on) is starting to seem...normal.  I mean, I know that nobody is actually supposed to have a giant bubble thing under the skin on their chest, but it's not the first thing I notice anymore (oh the irony of that sentence).  I know that my family member's heads don't usually have any reflective properties, but when Mom sent me this picture, my initial thought didn't have anything to do with cancer at all.  It had to do with very rich men and little red headed girls who like to tap dance.  Wow.  I think you'll all agree that this blog post is going downhill quickly.  
What I'm trying to say, albiet not very eloquently, is that we're adapting.  I remember occasionally seeing pictures or news reports about someone who was going through cancer treatment and thinking how depressing it probably was for them to be suddenly surrounded by all the stuff that comes with a cancer diagnosis.  I've always thought that there's no way I could handle seeing someone I love go through something like that.  I guess I was wrong.  For the record, it's not exactly pleasant, and that sense of worry has yet to dissipate, but I've been amazed at how resiliant people can be.  I think we have all gone through the process of mourning the loss of life as we knew it, and there will probably be times when that sense of loss creeps back in, but at this point I think we've all accepted a new kind of normal.  Embraced it even.  Besides, the old kind of normal was getting a little blah anyway.  


  1. I think Bruce would make an excellent Daddy Warbucks. Let's get this guy an agent. And in the meantime, you can put your curlers in and squeeze into that little red dress and you guys can practice your lines. And one day soon, you will sing "Yesterday was plain awful!" "You can say that again." "YESTERDAY was plain AWFUL!" "But that's not now,..that's THEN!" :) Love you Brucie. Hang in there.

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